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Please click on the Title to hear or download an MP3 recording of the message.                                    2023




 Gerry Kelly  A FRESH START 07 JAN 24
 Rob Brown  BE PREPARED! 14 JAN 24
 Heidi Naylor  SOUND DOCTRINE 21 JAN 24
 Gerry Kelly  ENDURANCE 28 JAN 24
 Rob Brown  IDENTITY 04 FEB 24
 Heidi Naylor  DECONTAMINATION 11 FEB 24
 Gerry Kelly  FAITH 18 FEB 24
 Rob Brown  PRESSURE 25 FEB 24
 Heidi Naylor  How do YOU set the table? 03 MAR 24
 Gerry Kelly  How great is OUR God! 10 MAR 24
 Rob Brown  How great is YOUR God? 17 MAR 24
 Heidi Naylor  BEHOLD The Lamb of God 24 MAR 24
 Gerry Kelly  JESUS has RISEN! 31 MAR 24
 Rob Brown  Do we really NEED to be Baptised? 07 APR 24
 Heidi Naylor  TRUTH 21 APR 24
 Rob Brown  THE BODY 28 APR 24
 Heidi Naylor  HERE I AM! 05 MAY 24
 Gerry Kelly  Only 2 Options & the Choice is Yours! 12 MAY 24
 Heidi Naylor  SMALL THINGS 19 MAY 24
 Rob Brown  What DO you have? 26 MAY 24
 Gerry Kelly  What IS Worship? 02 JUN 24
 Rob Brown  Why NOT to be Baptised 09 JUN 24
 Heidi Naylor  Our GOOD father 16 JUN 24
 Gerry Kelly  Standing on HIS Word 23 JUN 24
 Heidi Naylor  PRAISE HIM! 30 JUN 24
 Gerry Kelly  As Children of God, we too, need guidance! 14 JUL 24
 Rob Brown  The Family Likeness 21 JUL 24
 Heidi Naylor  MAINTENANCE 28 JUL 24
 Gerry Kelly   "Are YOU Prepared?" 04 AUG 24
 Heidi Naylor  STRENGTH TRAINING 18 AUG 24
 Gerry Kelly   FAITHFUL GOD 25 AUG 24
 Rob Brown  TOO Far? 01 SEP 24
 Heidi Naylor  IDENTITY THEFT 08 SEP 24
 Gerry Kelly   LIVING for GOD 15 SEP 24
 Rob Brown  HEDGE TRIMMING 22 SEP 24
 Heidi Naylor  HIS ROD & STAFF 29 SEP 24
 Gerry Kelly   You MUST be Born Again 3 06 OCT 24
 Heidi Naylor  MANNA 13 OCT 24
 Rob Brown  The DOMINO Effect 20 OCT 24
 Gerry Kelly   Are YOU Battle Ready? 27 OCT 24
 Rob Brown  The Role of a Priest 03 NOV 24
 Heidi Naylor  LINE of DUTY 10 NOV 24
 Gerry Kelly  PERSEVERE in FAITH 17 NOV 24
 Rob Brown  DISOBEDIENCE 24 NOV 24
 Heidi Naylor  Let there be LIGHT! 01 DEC 24
 Gerry Kelly  The Best Christmas Present Ever! 08 DEC 24
 Rob Brown  What is YOUR Policy? 15 DEC 24
 Heidi Naylor  O come, let us adore HIM 22 DEC 24
 Gerry Kelly  Forgetfulness & Forgiveness 29 DEC 24
